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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Η τεχνολογία SWT (Selective Waveband Technology) is used in the treatment of skin diseases such as unwanted hair growth, vascular lesions, surface discolorations, photoaging, acne. Also with SWT, photodynamic therapy is applied, which is based on the effect on the skin of selected light in combination with the local application of a medicinal substance that sensitizes the skin to light.
SWT is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, in which light of a specific wavelength targets specific skin molecules called chromophores and is absorbed by them, without damaging the surrounding tissues.
What is SWT?
SWT was developed on the IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology, in which light, visible white, ultraviolet and infrared is emitted from the source, while only the ultraviolet light is filtered out along the way. The SWT technology is based on the filtering of infrared light that is absorbed by the interstitial tissues of the skin, causing them to overheat and requiring more energy for the light beam to act on the chromophores. Thus, treatment becomes more effective and safer with SWT technology. The target (melanin, hemoglobin) is heated to 70º C for 1 ms, during which time it is effectively destroyed, while the surrounding skin is not affected.
Therapeutic potential
- Unwanted hair growth
- Wrinkles
- Vascular lesions such as rosacea, telangiectasias and hemangiomas
- Acne
- Spots/spots
- Photoaging
- Photodynamic treatment of acne
- Photodynamic facial rejuvenation
SWT and rosacea
SWT is applied with excellent results in rosacea, a chronic skin condition characterized by facial erythema or pustules and due to the excessive growth of superficial blood vessels. Rosacea mainly affects people with phototype I and II, less often III. At Athens Dermatology we apply SWT technology in the treatment of rosacea disease using the Nordlys Ellipse platform. The treatment is very well tolerated, since it only creates a feeling of mild heat on the skin and leaves a slight redness that subsides in a few hours. The results are visible from the very first session, although the treatment can be repeated after 3-4 weeks if necessary.
SWT and vascular lesions
SWT technology has excellent results in vascular lesions, such as varicose veins, hemangiomas (arachnoid, stellate, corneal), vascular malformations, Civatte poikiloderma, red stretch marks. After treatment the lesions acquire a redder or purplish color which subsides very soon. Usually more than one session is required until the desired result at intervals of 3-4 weeks. Protection with sunscreen is absolutely necessary after the treatment to avoid unwanted effects, such as discolouration.
SWT and photoaging
One of the most innovative applications of SWT with the Nordlys Ellipse platform is its use in photodynamic skin regeneration, in cases of photoaging. The patient arrives one hour earlier than the scheduled appointment, at which time the application of the photosensitizer substance to the skin of the face begins. This substance is converted in the epidermis into the chemical molecule protoporphyrin IX. Then the photorejuvenation session takes place, during which protoporphyrin IX absorbs light of a specific wavelength emitted by the Nordlys Ellipse platform.
The aim is to produce collagen which leads to a reduction of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and cheeks and to improve the texture and elasticity of the skin. We recommend three sessions at one-month intervals. The treatment is extremely well tolerated, while it is accompanied by almost no erythema, but avoiding the sun for 48 hours after the treatment and continuous sun protection is required.
SWT and spots
SWT technology is particularly effective in cases where we have dark spots on the skin, such as solar lenses and cataracts. The light beam is absorbed by the melanin found in the skin spots. Melanin converts light energy into heat that destroys the keratinocytes of the lesion and, without causing a reaction from the surrounding skin, leads to its elimination. Usually after the treatment, thin dark crusts appear on the skin spots, which subside in a few days to reveal healthy skin. The treatment can be repeated in 3-4 weeks if necessary.
SWT and acne
The use of SWT in the treatment of acne is based on the principle that the light beam is absorbed by the hemoglobin circulating within the blood vessels that supply the sebum-producing glands. Hemoglobin converts light energy into heat which damages the vessel wall of the sebaceous glands, leading to a reduction in sebum production.
SWT is applied to the treatment of active acne that has not responded to medication, leading to a reduction in inflammatory lesions. It represents an excellent safe alternative treatment in patients who cannot take oral treatment. The number of sessions varies and depends on the patient's response.
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