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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Τα peeling α-υδροξυ οξέων (AHA) και β-υδροξυ οξέων (BHA) είναι επιφανειακά peeling που προκαλούν ανανέωση της επιδερμίδας, απομακρύνοντας την εξωτερική στιβάδα της και διεγείροντας παράλληλα τη δημιουργία νέων επιδερμιδικών κυττάρων. Χρησιμοποιούνται στους περισσότερους τύπους δέρματος, για την αντιμετώπιση δυσχρωμιών, κηλίδων, λεπτών ρυτίδων, αλλά και προσδίδουν λάμψη στις θαμπές και άτονες επιδερμίδες.
Combinations of acids such as salicylic, lactic and glycolic acids are often used. This combination increases the effectiveness of the treatment and gives impressive results, with almost zero recovery time after the treatment, while they can also be applied in the summer months as they cause very little skin irritation.
In cases of active acne we use peelings that contain salicylic and/or azelaic acid, due to their strong keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effects.
In skins suffering from rosacea disease, a skin condition that causes intense redness on the face, we prefer mandelic acid peeling.
In the melasma, a condition with abnormal deposition of melanin in the skin, peels containing bleaching agents may help, especially when the melanin is in more superficial layers of the skin. Treatment is necessarily continued at home with bleaching creams that help eliminate the deeper pigment.
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels are deeper and are an ideal treatment for skin with photoaging and aging. They fight wrinkles, deep pores, and even pre-cancerous conditions, such as incipient actinic hyperkeratosis.
At acne scars TCA peelings are particularly effective alone or in combination with Fractional Laser CO2. We usually use high concentrations of TCA to get the desired effect. The goal is to rebuild the injured skin and stimulate the production of new cells that will gradually replace the scar with healthy skin.
THE spots of the skin, such as striae and sunspots are very effectively treated with combination peels or with TCA peels. Quite often we combine the treatment with SWT or Fractional Laser CO2 for a better and more uniform result.
After the peel, the skin is slightly to moderately redder, depending on the strength of the treatment. There may be a burning sensation that subsides very quickly. Due to the photosensitivity caused by peeling, it is necessary to use a sunscreen with a protection index of SPF 50.
Our skin over time, and especially after long-term exposure to the sun, becomes dull, rough, dry and shows wrinkles. Peels restore the health and radiance of the skin and are easily combined with facial cleansing, dermabrasion, SWT or Fractional Laser CO2. There are many treatment options for dull and lackluster skin at Athens Dermatology. Visit us and we will discuss with you what is the best option for you.
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64 Vasilissis Sofias Ave., 11528, Athens
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