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What it is and how it appears

It is a disease caused by an imbalance of the immune system. It is not contagious, the likelihood of having it is inherited. 

It most often appears with red plaques that have white scales on them. There are also forms where the lesions are small and round without or with a little scale (like drops) or have pus. Psoriasis can affect the nails (psoriatic onychomycosis) and joints (psoriatic arthritis). 


Usually the diagnosis is made by the examination by the dermatologist, without blood tests. If there is any doubt, then the dermatologist may ask for a biopsy, that is, to examine under a microscope a few cells from a lesion. 

Treatments for psoriasis

Many different treatment options exist for psoriasis, depending on its severity and the specifics of each patient. The dermatologist assesses the situation and suggests the most appropriate treatment. Options include topical medications (creams or ointments), phototherapy, oral medications, or injectable medications. The most recent treatments are biologic drugs that have been able to safely control difficult cases of psoriasis.

Psoriasis treatments provide control of the disease – keeping the patient free of lesions but not a complete cure – that is, the certainty that when the medication is stopped the psoriasis will not recur. 

Psoriasis and Associated Diseases (Comorbidities). 

Psoriasis is undoubtedly associated with comorbidities. These include psoriatic arthritis, obesity, cardiovascular risk factors, Crohn's disease and depression. The search for their possible existence and the relative awareness of the patient concerns dermatologists and is now part of the high level of care that all patients are entitled to.

Factors that aggravate it 

Psoriasis is aggravated by stress, by infections and by drugs (some anti-hypertensive and cardiac drugs, lithium etc.). It can also appear in areas of injuries or become worse after injuries. 

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