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Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition of intense sweating in specific parts of the body and face, which can be successfully treated by the specialist.

The symptoms

It is a condition that can affect the whole body or certain areas of the body, especially the palms, soles, armpits and face. The form that typically affects the palms and soles causes at least one episode per week.

Primary and secondary hyperhidrosis

If hyperhidrosis is associated with other pathological causes then it is called secondary. If during your visit to the dermatologist, and after a series of tests, the doctor does not identify underlying medical causes, it is called primary and is associated with increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This is a form of hyperhidrosis that may have a hereditary background.

Pathological conditions with which it is associated

Among the medical causes associated with SECONDARY hyperhidrosis include the following: diabetic hypoglycemia, endocarditis, generalized anxiety disorder, fever and motion sickness, heart attack, HIV/AIDS infection, hyperthyroidism, menopause, obesity, and anxiety.

When is treatment needed?

Even if no pathological cause is identified, hyperhidrosis is a condition that can negatively affect the daily life of sufferers, causing them social withdrawal and reduced social and professional self-confidence.

The therapeutic treatment

In the case of secondary hyperhidrosis, the underlying medical cause needs to be treated first.

Στην πρωτοπαθή υπεριδρωσία, η οποία συνήθως εντοπίζεται στην υπερβολική εφίδρωση στις παλάμες, τα πέλματα, τις μασχάλες και το πρόσωπο, ως πιο αποτελεσματική κρίνεται η θεραπεία με ενέσεις βοτουλινικής τοξίνης (Μυοχαλαρωτικές Ενέσεις). Στο παρελθόν, έχουν δοκιμαστεί άλλες θεραπευτικές μέθοδοι όπως η θεραπεία με ιοντοφόρηση ή αντιιδρωτικές ουσίες, ωστόσο δεν είχαν ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα.

How is it applied to the problem area?

With a special starch-iodine test, the dermatologist will locate the areas where excessive sweating occurs and inject botulinum toxin into them. It is an essentially painless procedure that takes a few minutes, depending on the extent of the areas, after which the patient can return to his daily activities.

How long does the effect last?

The duration is from 6 to 9 months.

Is the treatment safe?

This is a substance tested for many years IN MEDICAL APPLICATIONS. It is not intended to "block" the secretion of sweat, but to reduce it. It is considered very safe.

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